1. Perfect Posture setup. Warmup. Spine stretch. Roll down to push up. 8:32min
2. Butterfly position. Neutral pelvis. Pelvic floor engagement as opposed to external obliques (love-handles). Start of up-up-down-down. 5:11min
3. Up-up-down-down. 3:09min
4. Knee Drops and Hips Rolls. 3:47min
5. Double Arm Drops and Single Leg Slide/Stretch. 3:02min
6. Swan Dive. 5:37min
7. Chest Release. 3:36min
8. Shoulder Bridge Rolls. 4:54min
9. Side Kick. 4:48min
10. Prone Swimming. 3:27min
11. Glut Swimming. 2:41min
12. Supermans. 4:48min
13. All Fours Swimming. 3:03min
14. Single Leg Stretch and Round-the-clock stretch. 5:46min
15. Relaxation techniques including RTC stretch, Pelvic clocks, Spinal rotations, Sacro-iliac Joint mobilisation, and the Morning-yawning stretch. 5:44min
16. Shoulder Bridge Lift. 4:13min
17. Scissors. 3:46min
18. Spine Twist. 3:57min
19. Double Arms Circles and Rotations. 4:09min
20. Side Bend (Right-Angled Triangle) including Static and Thread-the-Needle variations. 4:09min
21. Basic Clams including Kick variation. 3:39min
22. Dead Bugs. 2:55min
23. Double Leg Stretch. 2:35min
24. Side Bend (Right-Angled Triangle) Paint the Rainbow variation. 4:13min
25. Killer Rotations. 2:14min
26. One Leg Circles. 4:58min
27. Adductor Lifts. 1:55min
28. Hot Potatoes. 2:45min
29. Pure Clams. 3:10min
30. Side-lying Circles in three positions with bonus Gluteal Lifts. 2:33min
31. Killer Clams bent legged. 3:23min
32. Hip Stretches including Pretzel stretches. 10:03min
33. Supine Supermans. 3:16min
34. Leg Pull Prone (Sphinx) including straight arms variation. 4:52min
35. Spine Stretch. 5:23min
36. Killer Clams straight legged. 2:53min
37. Leg Pull Supine. 3:08min
38. Hand Lifts and/or Knee Swings. 3:53min
39. Relaxation including Sacroiliac Joint Mobility. 5:45min
40. The Hundred. 4:06min
41. Pelvic Floor Pulses in Butterfly position. 3:22min
42. One-legged Standing. 5:19min
43. Leg Pull Prone One Leg Kick including straight arms variation. 2:09min
44. Scapulae Strengthening and Mobilisation including All 4’s Thread-the-Needle stretch. 6:04min
45. Leg Pull Prone to Side Bend transitions. 2:36min