If you wish to pay for an unusual amount of classes, then contact me and I will let you know the correct amount and you can then pay by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button and enter that amount and let me know which class you wish to enrol in.
If you enjoy the Pilates videos and/or the Zoom Pilates classes then feel free to donate a small amount as a thank you.
It is up to you if you want to donate and how much.
Thank you.
Online Payment for Pilates
Pay for 10 classes: $190 (save $40)
Pay for 20 classes: $370 (save $90)
Pay for 1 class: $23
Please note that unused classes paid for in one term can be used in the following term.
If you know you will only be attending a certain amount of classes during the term and only wish to pay for that, speak to Ken and he will tell you the cost of that amount of classes.